Many People Suffer From A Receding Hairline, Bald Patches And/Or Loss Of Hair At All Ages. These Problems Can Often Lead To Self-Consciousness, Low Self Esteem And Worries About Trying To Cover Up Problem Areas. Now This Can Easily Be Solved With Our Hairline Microblading.
We re-create your hairline stroke-by-stroke, reclaiming what has been lost and giving the realistic effect of lush, healthy hair. Rescue your hairline from transparency, and reclaim up-dos and ponytails.
Here At The Stylisée Microblading Salon We Utilize The Art Of Microblading To Create HyperRealistic Hair Simulating Strokes Along The Hairline So You Can Become More Confident In Yourself! This Is Not Only Life Changing For Individuals Who Wish To Fill In Problem Areas But Also For Those Who Wish To Reduce Their Face Size/Shape.
Aftercare tips in the days following your session In general, you’ll want to treat your scalp like an open wound after SMP treatment. Meaning, avoid getting it wet and keep it clean. No chlorinated pools, saunas, steam rooms, or tanning beds for 28 days after your final treatment. This will ensure a good, long-lasting result.
Day 0 to Day 7
For the first 7 days following treatment, you should avoid the following:
- •Sweating heavily – Try not to engage in any intense exercise for 7 days following treatment. Excessive sweating could interrupt the healing process
- •Scrubbing and shampooing – Scrubbing the scalp can break the skin and open wounds, and shampooing could introduce harsh chemicals.
- •Shaving – Avoid shaving and irritating the area while it’s healing.
- •Exposure to long-term sunlight – UV rays from the sun can cause sunburn and sun damage. This could lead to premature fading of the scalp pigmentation.
- •Touching with hands – Refrain from touching your scalp with your hands too much. You could introduce bacteria and increase the risk of infection.
- •On Day 3, apply a thin layer of Healing Cream once a day at Night for 7 days with clean fingertips, especially if you have dry skin. Do not use cotton pads or swabs.
Day 8 to Day 14
For days 8 to 14, your head should be looking much better and healing nicely. However, it is still healing. You’ll want to make sure you’re still keeping up with an aftercare routine. For the next 5 days, you should still avoid the following
Day 15 and onward
After 15 days, your scalp should be healed enough to return to your normal routine.
- •Scratching the scalp – As with Microblading, the skin on your scalp may begin to peel during these next few days. It’s important that you avoid scratching or picking any scabs that may form.
- •Shampooing or exfoliating – Shampoo and exfoliants can disrupt the formation of new skin layers during healing.
- •Using self tanners or skin irritants – While your scalp is healing, avoid irritants that could cause inflammation and disturb the healing process.
- •Avoid swimming & facials
Aftercare Justructions Please follow these instructions to ensure proper healing and color retention. Note that colors appear darker for a few days after the treatment. Color will soften and intensity decrease as the healing processes. Some redness, swelling, light bruising, and slight itching during the healing process is normal. It is normal for people to experience peeling of pigment. Fading or loss of pigment may occur during healing, especially after the first treatment. Do not pick at any color peeling, but allow it to fall
off naturally.
off naturally.
Do's & Don'ts
- • Do not expose microbladed area to water for 7 days after treatment.
- • On Day 3, apply a thin layer of Healing Cream gently once a day with clean fingertips, for 7 days.
- • Do not use cotton pads or swabs.
- • When washing your hair, keep soap and shampoo away from the treatment area.
- • Re-apply Healing Cream after washing your hair.
- • Do not rub or scratch treatment area, and expose only to clean water.
- • Do not rub or scratch treatment area, and expose only to clean water. If you have oily skin, you can skip the Healing Cream.
- • Keep your brows dry for 24 hours.
Further Advice
- • Ist week avoid sun exposure, saunas, excess sweating, tanning, makeup and skin care application on the treatment area.
- • For 2 weeks avoid swimming, facial and botox
Full Hairline — $700
6 to 8 weeks touch up – $200
6 months to 1 year refreshing – $500
Medium Hairline — $600 (Part and Temple)
6 to 8 weeks touch up – $200
6 months to 1 year refreshing – $500
Small Hairline — $500 (Part and Temple)
6 to 8 weeks touch up – $200
6 months to 1 year refreshing – $500