Lips are a main focal point
We begin by mapping out a natural border to the lip using makeup. Then anesthetic cream is applied to minimize discomfort. Selected pigments are then blended and deposited into the skin with a very fine needle via a small hand held cosmetic tattoo device.
apply traditional lip glosses and lipstick colors, or leave them “untouched” and perfect.
Treatment results last for up to two years.
Luscious Lips
Stylisée’s Luscious Lips is an excellent way to save precious minutes throughout our day, not only because we can accomplish so much more when those pesky tasks are taken care off but also by feeling confident about ourselves no matter what situation comes up during our busy days.
At Stylisée it is in our DNA to create a natural looking make-up result, with lips being such an important feature on your face – getting them just right becomes particularly imperative. Our Master Artists use our innovative natural lip blush technique with our unique approach to Luscious Lips by customizing it to your look and lifestyle. Our team takes pride in making sure every aspect of enhancing your appearance from color, shape or symmetry – no matter how minimal they seem – will suit everything about who you really are.
When it comes to beauty, there are no shortcuts. Our Master Artists have had years of experience and the world’s best artists can be found in our studios. Trust your lips with us!
Since it’s not enough just to find a lip blush that fits you but also one that works for what you want from makeup—whether subtle or dramatic —it is essential to only trust something as delicate as your lips to the industry experts who know how make different styles work together seamlessly
Luscious Lips Aftercare Instructions
Do & Don't
- • Do not expose lips to water for 24 hour after treatment, avoid hot water or hot soup.
- • On Day 1, gently apply a thin layer of Healing Cream with clean fingertips, for 7 days.
- • When washing your face, keep soap and shampoo away from the treatment area.
- • Re-apply Healing Cream after you done eating and gently clean the lips.
- • Ist week avoid sun exposure, saunas, excess sweating, tanning, makeup and skin care application on the treatment area.
- • For 2 weeks avoid swimming, facials & spicy food.
***Please consult a physician at the first signs of infection
Further Advice
- • After procedure use ice packs 3-4 times for 15 minutes spurts in first day to reduce swollen
- • Drink from a straw the first few days and avoid salty, spicy food Your next appointment
Lip Blush and Cold Sores
Cold sores are often called fever blisters. After entering the body, the virus remains dormant most of the time, but, if a trigger activates the virus, a cold sore can develop. Trauma to the lips such as a tattoo for instance would be the trigger I am referring to. If you have ever had a cold sore, you might get one after your lip blush tattoo. It is advised that you consult with your physician prior to the appointment.
Many clients avoid a cold sore post procedure by taking L-lysine (vitamin supplement) or getting a prescription by your doctor.
🔺 Apply Vaseline or moisturizing lip balm as many times as possible at least 3 days before.
🔺 Highly recommended to start taking prescription cold sore medicine (antivirus) 3 days before the procedure to prevent a cold sore outbreak.
How long does it take?
Lip Blush procedures do take slightly longer than other treatments as the lips are more prone to swelling during treatment. If this should occur, swelling will quickly fade and will disappear completely within three to five days. Expect the procedure to take around an hour and a half to three hours (depends on the client). The colour density will appear stronger than you anticipated at first, but this will fade after three to four days.
A touchup is required for long lasting results. We book our touchups six to eight weeks from the initial appointment. If lips are dark, more than one touch up is needed. This will be decided after second appointment.
Luscious Lips — $400
6 to 8 weeks touch up – $200
6 months to 1 year refreshing – $500